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ESA Letter

Emotional Support Animal

You no longer have to be without your

furry companion.

An ESA letter is a prescription-like document issued by a licensed mental health professional. This letter certifies that an individual has a qualifying mental health condition and that the presence of an Emotional Support Animal is beneficial for their well-being.


Unlike service animals, ESAs do not require specialized training to perform specific tasks. Instead, their mere presence offers therapeutic support to their owners.



The unconditional love from an ESA and companionship can lead to an uplifted mood and increased happiness.


It can be a crucial tool for requesting reasonable accommodations and securing pet-friendly housing. It can also help to reduce pet fees.​​


Airlines have specific rules and regulations regarding pets on flights. Some airlines now allow emotional support animals to accompany their owner in the cabin.


Most importantly having an emotional support animal has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety. 

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Having crafted numerous ESA letters for my clients and being a devoted dog mom myself, I truly appreciate the significance of having your beloved furry companion by your side.


Evaluation Process

At KQH Counseling we follow the requirements for obtaining a ESA Letter

During the evaluation, be open and honest about your emotional or psychological challenges. Share relevant details about your daily life, routines, and any previous experiences with pets. Clearly express your goals and expectations regarding the potential role of an ESA in your life. Whether you seek companionship, emotional support, or assistance with specific challenges, communicating your expectations will guide the assessment process.


The fee for obtaining an ESA letter is $100, which includes the necessary documentation and the signature of a licensed mental health provider.


However, if you are not an active client, an additional evaluation fee of $275 is required. This evaluation is designed to assess your eligibility for an emotional support animal.


The therapist will carefully evaluate criteria to determine whether having an emotional support animal is essential for your emotional well-being.


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